10th January 1848 JB
The late Earl of Harrowby.- The remains of this venerable nobleman have been consigned to the tomb. The interment took place at Sandon Church, where the ancestral vault is situate. In accordance with the express desire of the defunct Peer, the funeral was conducted without any ostentation, the principal tenantry and the labourers employed on the family estate being the only additions to the ordinary attendance on these solemn displays. The funeral procession formed at Sandon Hall, and proceeded, at a slow pace, to the Church, at the entrance, the officiating Clergyman, The Rev. W.E. Caldwell, receiving the corpse. The Earl of Harrowby and the Hon. Granville Dudley Ryder, sons of the deceased Earl, were the chief mourners, and among the immediate members of the family who attended the obsequies, were the Hon. Frederick Dudley Ryder, Lord Wharncliffe, Lord Charles Hervey, Captain Saurin, the Hon. G. Fortescue, Viscount Sandon, Mr. Ryder &c. The tenantry were all attired in deep mourning, also the labourers and dependents of the deceased Earl, who were supplied with their sombre habiliments in compliance with the will of the late Earl. The impressive service appointed for the burial of the dead was feelingly delivered by the Rev. Gentleman before-named, and the whole of the mournful proceedings passed off with decorum.