14th October 1854 SA
HARVEST THANKSGIVING AT SANDON.—On Wednesday afternoon last Divine service was celebrated in Sandon church, as a public tribute of thankfulness to Almighty God for the late unusually abundant harvest. A crowded congregation gave good proof of the readiness with which this means of expressing their gratitude was adopted by the parishioners. Prayers were read by the Rev. W. Coldwell, jun., curate of the parish, and a very appropriate and eloquent sermon was preached by the Rev. Pelham Maitland, incumbent of Fradswell, who took for his text St. Matthew xiii., part of v. 8 “Some an hundred fold, some sixty fold, some thirty fold.” At the conclusion of the service a collection was made in behalf of the widows and orphans of the soldiers who have fallen in the East, an object which the preacher commended in very feeling terms to the charity of the congregation. A sum of £12 was collected on this occasion. A sum of £12 1s.1d., collected on the National Fast Day for the same object, had been previously transmitted from this parish.
WESLEYAN SABBATH SCHOOL.—The anniversary services in connection with this school took place on Sunday, when upwards of £11 was collected after two sermons preached by the Rev. J.H. Beech, of Hanley.
SANDON AND MARSTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—The fifteenth annual meeting of this association was held on Thursday last. We are obliged to postpone the insertion of the report, in consequence of the crowded state of our column.