16th July 1954 SA
Funeral of Sandon Estate Employee
The funeral of Mr. Leslie S. Jerrams, a well-known Sandon personality, and a long-service employee on the Sandon Estate, took place at Sandon Church on Saturday, when high tribute to his memory was paid by the Rev. W. Basil Buckland (Vicar of Sandon).
Mr. Buckland recalled that the first time he saw Mr. Jerrams, just over seven years ago, he was wearing his umpire’s coat. The Vicar went on to pay tribute to Mr. Jerrams’ qualities both on and off the cricket field.
Mr. Jerrams came to Sandon as estate bricklayer just after the first world war, in which he had served in the Australian forces, taking part in the Gallipolli campaign.
Throughout his life in the village he has taken an intimate part in local affairs.
Mr. Jerrams, who was in his 65th year had intended to retire shortly, and had remained at his work until a few weeks ago. He is survived by a widow and three married daughters.
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