17th January 1986 SN
NOTICE IS GIVEN that the following applications in the opinion of Stafford Borough Council would affect Conservation Areas and/or listed buildings: 18327 Horse Shoe Farm, Hilderstone – Erection of 1 No. Dwelling (outline) for Mr. M. J. Fleming. 18329 Field House, Mount Road, Stone – Change of Use to Hotel, for Mr. G. Willott. 18330 Sandon Village Club as a Private Nursery School, for Margaret P. Offen. 18331 land adj. to Grimblebrook House, Milwich. […]
A copy of the applications, plans and other documents may be inspected at the offices of the Borough Planning Offiver, Planning Department, Civic Offices, Riverside, Stafford, during normal office hours, until the 7th February 1986. Any person who wishes to make representations to the Council about any application should do so in writing by that date to the said Borough Planning Officer.
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