24th July 1926 SA
The Staffordshire General Infirmary.
--Week ending July 23: In-patients: Admitted 25, discharged 17, in the hospital 58. Out-patients 30, casualties 30. New Subscriber: National Union of Railwaymen, £5 The Board of Management gratefully acknowledges the following: Mr. Stubbs, Mrs Marston. £1 1s,; eggs and flowers from St. Paul’s Church, per the Rev. Reaney; eggs, flowers, tea, and sugar from Penkridge Church; bread, eggs, and flowers from Sandon Church, eggs and flowers from Sandon Church, magazines from Mr. Shaw, of Knighton. Official house visitors for the month, Major and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley.
Reach PLC. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD