25th January 1936 SA


Village Club.—The annual meeting was held on Tuesday. Mr. T. W. Knowles presided and before commencing the business, the members stood in silence, as a tribute to the late King. The Treasurer presented the balance sheet, which showed a balance of £28 14s. 3d. The following officials were elected:— President, the Earl of Harrowby; vice-president, Viscount Sandon, Rev. J.D. Charlesworth, Dr. R.V. Lloyd-Williams, Messrs. T.W. Knowles, H. Bentley, P.E. Tittensor, C.E. Adderley, J.T. Harris, S.A. Small, S. Berrisford, B. Adams, and J. Cadman (secretary and treasurer). The committee were re-elected en bloc, with the addition of Mr. C. Smith.

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6th April 1936 SS


29th February 1936