30th December 1939 SA
The annual Christmas whist drive was held in the Village Club. Mr. Berrisford was M.C. and the stewards were Messrs. J. Cadman, W. Ward, and P. Holford. Lady Sandon presented the prizes to: Ladies, 1 Mrs. Simpson, 2 Miss V. Wright, 3 Miss Stagg, 4 Miss Hanson, 5 Miss M. Askey, 6 Mrs. Stagg; gentlemen, 1 J.T. Johnson, 2 W. Jones, 3 P.C. Clake, 4 F. Pooke, 5 E. Butter, 6 S. Baston. Mr. Berrisford thanked Lady Sandon and the donors of the prizes. Mrs. Holford had charge of the refreshments.
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