3rd September 1992 SP

Any ideas for a walk?

Have you ever gone for a leisurely stroll through an interesting part of the borough and wondered how many other people knew about it?

If so, now’s your chance to let them in on the secret.

Buoyed by the success of this year’s Sunday afternoon walks, borough archaeologist John Darlington wants to hear other people’s ideas for a fascinating local day out.

More than 300 people attended the four 1992 Walkpasts around Sandon, Church Eaton, Little Onn and Eccleshall Castle.

In fact, such was their popularity that more guides may have to be drafted in next year to cope with the demand.

In submitting their ideas for walks, people must remember that they have to be located in the borough.

“It does not matter if their [sic] is no public access to the archaeological and historic sites,” said Mr. Darlington.

“In fact such locations are preferred as one of the main aims of the Walkpast series is to introduce the public to the archaeological and historic sites they would otherwise not have the opportunity to see.”

All ideas should be sent to John Darlington at the Archaeology Section.

Reach PLC. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD


19th February 1993 SN


25th June 1992 SP