9th August 1941 SA
The wedding took place at All Saints’ Church Sandon on Monday of Miss Betty Simpson, elder daughter of Mr. F.O. and Mrs. Simpson, Sandon Home Farm, and Mr. Victor R. Brown, elder son of the late Mr. V.R. Brown of Grindley, and of Mrs. Brown. The service was conducted by the Rev. E.A. Evans (priest in charge) and over 60 were present. Mrs. Blakemore was the organist.
The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a blue angora suit and carried a bouquet of pink carnations, the gift of the Earl and Countess of Harrowby, who also gave the other floral decorations. The bridesmaid was the sister of the bride, Miss Margaret Simpson, and the best man was Mr. Douglas Brown. A reception was held at the home of the bride, after which the happy couple left for North Wales.
The bride’s father is well known as a successful exhibitor at the local agricultural shows, and the bride was also a successful competitor in dairy competitions.
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