12th January 1907 SS
The annual general meeting of the Sandon Village Club was held on Friday last, the Right Hon. The Earl of Harrowby presiding. His Lordship, in his address, remarked that the statement of accounts for the second year of the club’s existence showed a balance of £4 7s 5d. on the right side. He could only reiterate his former statement, that he often wondered, when visiting or passing that club, what would happen if it did not exist. The innocent, healthy recreation provided for the men, young and old, of the village was a great source of gratification to him. He was pleased to think that so many of the workers took advantage of the privileges which the club provided, but, at the same time, he regretted very much that there were residents in the village who were not members. He thought it devolved upon every resident and householder in the village to become members, if not for their own personal benefit, for the benefit of the community. Such institutions were necessary in villages throughout the country, and would prove a real and lasting benefit to the people. It would in his opinion, to a very large extent get over the existing trouble of the migration of the dwellers in country villages to the towns. Referring to a remark made by the Vicar as to the deep interest he took in the club, he could only say that his own personal interest was shared by his son, who, although a boy, took quite as deep an interest in the club as himself. In conclusion, his Lordship thanked the committee and secretary for their management of the club, and for helping to make it a success. His Lordship regretted the absence of the chairman of the committee (Mr. W.E. Wright), and asked the committee to express their condolences to Mr. Wright in the sudden death of his only sister.
A resolution was then passed in silence.
The election of officers and other business was then proceeded with, and the meeting concluded with a hearty vote of thanks to Lord Harrowby for presiding, proposed by the Vicar (the Rev. V.E. Sauerlaender).
His Lordship, in reply, expressed the great pleasure he and his friend, Mr. Hervey, experienced in taking part in the whist drive the other evening; and although it was his first experience in whist drives, he hoped it would not be the last.
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