13th April 1956 SS


“Miss Sandon” Chosen.—A Successful dance, held in Sandon Village Club on Friday was organised by Sandon and District British Legion. The M.C. was Mr. R. Phillips. During the evening the choice of “Miss Sandon” for 1956 was made, the final choice being Miss Valerie Prtichard, aged 17, of 56, Common-road, Stafford. Refreshments were served by the ladies’ committee. A good financial result is assured.

Vestry Meeting.—At the annual vestry meeting of All Saints’ Church, Sandon, on April 5th, the Vicar (the Rev. G.F. Greenup), who presided, expressed his warm thanks and appreciaiton for the cordial welcome extended to his family and himself at his induction. Mr. H.W. Sargent was thanked, together with the Church Council for their sustained efforts in the running of the church during the absence of a resident Vicar since last July. The Vicar appointed Mr. Sargent as his Warden, Mr. R.W. Lindop was elected as People’s Warden in succession to the late Warden, Mr. J. Cadman, to whose memory Mr. Greenup paid tribute. Sidesmen were re-elected en bloc with the additions of Messrs. R. Dewberry and P. Holford. The Church Council was also re-elected with the addition of Mrs. H.W. Sargent. Delegates appointed to attend the Ruridecanal and Archidiaconal Conferences were Mr. H.W. Sargent and Mr. R. W. Lindop and Dr. H. T.D. Bocking.

Reach PLC. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD


28th September 1956 SS


2nd April 1956 BDG