14th January 1933 SA
Sunday School.—The Scholars of Sandon Church Sunday School were given a treat on Tuesday in the Memorial Hall. After tea each child received as present, sweets, and fruit from the “Plum Pudding.” The prizes won during the year were presented by Mrs. J.P. Farr. The class prizes were awarded to J. Foster, Dorothy Jerrams, Daphne Jerrams, and Peggy Jerrams.
Organist’s Retirement.—At the meeting of the Church Council on the 5th inst., the resignation of Mr. John Wright as organist was accepted with great regret. Mr. Wright, who is 83 years of age, had the misfortune a few weeks ago to injure his right arm, and this has somewhat incapacitated him in his musical work. He has had a lengthy experience as a church organist. At the age of 17 he was appointed organist at Scropton, and since then he has assisted in the church services at Chartley, Gayton, Milwich, Weston, and Fradswell. In 1898 he succeeded Miss Coldwell, daughter of the then vicar of Sandon as organist of Sandon Church, and he has held the post for 34 years. By diligent work Mr. Wright gradually raised the standard of the choir until it became one of the best village choirs in the diocese. Until the advent of whist drives and dances the annual concert given by Sandon Church Choir was the event of the year. The Council appointed Mrs. Blakeman to succeed Mr. Wright.
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