16th January 1934 SA
The annual meeting of the Sandon Village Club was held on Tuesday, Mr. Brittain Adams (vice-president) presiding. The hon. Secretary and treasurer (Mr. J. Cadman) presented the balance sheet, which showed a satisfactory result on the year’s working. The election of officers for 1943 were: President, the Earl of Harrowby; vice-presidents, Viscount Sandon, the Rev. J.D. Charlesworth, Mr. T.W. Knowles, Dr. H.T.D. Bocking, Messrs. T.W. Harris, P.E. Titterton, J.T. Johnson, S.A. Small, S.R. Berrisford, B. Adams, F. Goodwin, G.M. Appleton, J.M. Siddall, S.M. Graves, R.G. Johnson, R. W. Lindop, and J. Large; hon secretary and treasurer, Mr. J. Cadman.
The Sandon Platoon held their annual dinner on Saturday. Lieut. Adams presided and the Earl of Harrowby, in proposing “The Sandon Platoon,” congratulated them on their efficiency and the good work they were doing for the country. Capt. Wildblood, in his remarks, said Pte. Jack Spear, of the Sandon Platoon, had been commended by the G.O.C. Western Command, and mentioned in orders for good services rendered during an enemy air-raid on a south country town. Capt Wildblood added that he was pleased to say the Sandon Platoon had won the highest points for shooting, and had provided 12 of their number for H.M. Forces during the past year. Lieut. Adams proposed “The Visitors,” To which Col. Morris replied.
A party of the R.A.F. provided the entertainment.
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