27th January 1934 SA
Women’s Institute.—At the monthly meeting the Countess of Harrowby presided, and a talk on vegetables and their value as an article of diet was given by Mrs. Wilkes. A musical interlude followed, and then games and minor competitions. Mrs. G. Cope and Mrs. Williamson were the hostesses.
Village Club.—The annual meeting of the Sandon Village Club was held on Friday, the Earl of Harrowby presiding, and amongst those present were the Rev. F.E. Copleston, Messrs. T.W. Knowles, H. Askey, J. Morris, J.P. Farr, J. Smith, and W. Middleton. The Secretary submitted the accounts showing a balance in hand of £29. The officers elected were as follow: President, Lord Harrowby; vice-presidents, Viscount Sandon, the Rev. F.E. Copleston, the Rev. C.E. Armitage, Dr. R.V. Lloyd-Williams, Messrs. H. Bentley, T.W. Knowles, P.T Merton, P. Shilton, K. Tarling, S.A. Small, R. Lloyd-Williams, G. Goodwin, T. W. Harris, C.A. Adderley, J.T. Johnson, and G.A. Kerry; hon. Secretary, J.H. Cadman; hon. Treasurer, W. Middleton; committee, Messrs. Askey, Farr, Cheadle, Mills, Hine, Green, Middleton, Jerrams, Rollitt, and Morris. His Lordship congratulated the club on its good financial position and asked that the committee should consider his suggestion of opening the club on Sundays. He also informed the meeting that there was now a suitable site for a bowling green available.
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