19th November 1932 SA
British Legion.—The British Legion held its annual reunion in the parish room on Armistice night. There was a good attendance. Mr. T.W. Knowles presided, and amongst those present were the Rev. F.E. Copleston (vicar), the Rev. C.E. Armitage (vicar of Gayton), Messrs. J.H. Cadman, H. Edwards (Salt), E. Pilsbury (Burston) and W. Martin (Hopton).
Remembrance Day.—On Sunday morning there was a parade of members of the British Legion, who were accompanied by the 1st Sandon Scouts and the 1st Sandon Girls Guides. The ex-Servicemen were led by ex-Sergt. L.S. Jerrams and District Commissioner Mrs. Candy, Capt. Bennett, and Lieut. A. Wright, accompanied the Guides, and Scout-master P.E. Titterton was in charge of the Scouts. At the church they were met by Lord and Lady Harrowby, Mr. S. Kent (vice-chairman of the Sandon Parish Council), Mr. W.E. Wright, Mr. P. Shilton, Mr. J.T. Johnson, Mr. W. Potts, Mr. J. Wright (clerk to the Parish Council), and Mr. H. Bentley (church wardens). The service was conducted by the vicar. Mr. E. Bridgeman presided at the organ, and his opening voluntary was “Land of Hope and Glory,” and for a recessional “Keep right on to the end of the road.” The collection, which was on behalf of Earl Haig’s Fund, amounted to £3 15s.
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