23rd November 1935 SA
Poppy Day.—The following amounts were collected on Poppy Day:--Enson £1 7s. 4d., Gayton £1 15s., Sandon village £7 13s. 3d., Smallrise £1 12s., Burston £1 16s. 8d., Hopton 18s., Sandon Bank £1 0s 9d., Salt £1 10s. 6d., Scouts’ poppy wreath 7s. 6d., Sandon Church collection £3 15s. 2d.
Whist Drive.—A whist drive and dance were held in the Village Club on Monday evening. The winners were:—Ladies 1. Miss V. Askey; 2. Miss S. Young: 3. Mrs. L. Bettson; sitting prize, Mrs. Askey. Gentlemen: 1. Mr. F. Hodson; 2. Mr. W. Rhodes; 2. Mr. J. Swinson; sitting prize, Mr. A. Cooper. Mrs. Farr distributed the prizes, Mr. Cadman and Mr. F. Mills were M.C.’s for whist, and Mr. E. Green and Mr. T. Hibberd for the dance. Mrs. Green had charge of the refreshments.
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