23rd November 1956 SS
Whist Effort.—In Sandon Village Club on Friday a successful effort was held on behalf of the Stone branch of the Staffordshire Agricultural Society. This took the form of a whist drive organised by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shepherd, of Sandy Lees, Sandon. Prizewinners were: Mesdames Ridding (2), G. Stubbs, Cheadle Halden, T. Heath, J. Kent, and Matthews, Messrs . J. Harris, J. Brown, Bennett, Timmis and D. Mathews, Mrs. Macdonald, Messrs. L. Bailey and T. Barin. The M.C. for whist was Mr. G.G. Buxton. The ladies committee was responsible for the refresthments. The effort realised the record sum of about £65.
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