25th July 1949 SS
RYDER MEMORIAL UNVEILED.—Many members of the Ryder family, including the Earl and Countess of Harrowby and Viscount and Viscountess Sandon, were present at the unveiling, in Sandon Church yesterday, of a memorial plaque to Colonel C. H Ryder, C.B., C.I.E., D.S.O., and his two sons, Major L.C.D. Ryder and Major F.T.D. Ryder. Colonel Ryder, a cousin of Lord Harrowby, died in 1945 in India, where he had performed distinguished service as Surveyor-General. His sons both gave their lives in the 1939-45 war. The plaque was unveiled by Colonel Ryder’s youngest son, Captain Robert Ryder, V.C., R.N., who is seen here with Lady Harrowby.
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