25th September 1920 SA
WAR MEMORIAL.—A brass tablet has been fixed in the chancel of Sandon Church and will shortly be unveiled. It bears the following inscription.—"In proud and loving memory of Robert Nathaniel Dudley Ryder, Major, 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars, youngest son of Henry, 4th Earl of Harrowby, who fell in action at Gaucher Wood, France, November 30th, 1917.
“Faithful unto death; I will give thee a crown of life.’”
WOMEN’S INSTITUTE.—On Wednesday the first monthly meeting of the Sandon branch of Women’s Institutes was held in the Parish Room. There was a splendid gathering of women, and the Countess of Harrowby presided. After the business had been disposed of, Mrs. Henry Ryder gave a short account of Institute work in Sussex, and this was greatly appreciated. The hostesses of the evening were Lady Harrowby, Mrs. W.E. Wright, and they entertained the members to refreshments. An excellent programme was drawn up for the coming months.
COMRADES OF THE GREAT WAR.—A general meeting of the Sandon Post was held in the Parish Room on Monday evening. Lord Sandon presided. There was a good attendance of ex-Service men. Many enrolled as comrades and a winter programme was arranged. The committee were instructed to organize a smoking concert, and a series of whist drives. The Secretary reported that ex-Service men of Hopton, Marston, Hilderstone, Gayton, Sandon Bank and Salt were willing to join with Sandon and it was suggested that each village should select a representative to serve on the committee. The Secretary was asked to invite ex-soldiers of Milwich and Fradswell.
COMPLIMENTARY DANCE.—Sandon Men’s Club was kindly lent by the members on Monday evening for a celebratory dance to Miss Dorothea Bentley, who on the occasion of her marriage to Mr. E. Buckingham is leaving Sandon to take up her residence in Rugeley. For some time now Miss Bentley has been responsible for the musical programme of the dances in Sandon and adjoining villages. Mr. Frank Tavernor acted as M.C. During the interval, Dr. R.V. Lloyd-Williams, chairman of the Club Dance Committee, thanked Miss Bentley for the many services she had rendered and on behalf of the dancers and friends presented her with a purse containing £8 10s., the proceeds of the dance. In a choice little speech, Miss. Bentley thanked the Doctor and all present for their kindness.
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