7th August 1920 SA
The Earl of Harrowby kindly lent the beautiful grounds of Sandon Hall on Thursday for a garden fete and sale of work in aid of the fund for restoring Sandon church. The occasion was not favoured by the best of weather, but this did not prevent a large gathering, and the financial result proved very gratifying. The Earl and Countess of Harrowby attended and received a general salute from the 4th Longton, St. Andrew’s, East Vale) Troop of Boy Scouts, under Scoutmaster E. Colclough, M.M., and subsequently her Ladyship declared the fete open. The Vicar (the Rev. Launcelot J. Wilkinson), explained that the object in view was to secure a little fund in hand to provide anything wanted for the church before the major work of restoration was taken in hand, which they hoped would be done soon. He expressed their indebtedness to Lord and Lady Harrowby for the privilege of using their grounds, and spoke of the great interest they displayed in everything concerning Sandon, particularly the church.
Lady Harrowby, in wishing the effort every success, said the working party had been working hard for the last two years, and it would be a great disappointment to them all if they did not see the stalls completely cleared.
Mrs. Wilkinson was in charge of the working party stall, assisted by Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. Farr, and Mrs. Alcock, and Mr. J.A. Walker and Mr. G. Cadman had charge of the Men’s Society Stall. At the G.F.S. stall the attendants were Mrs. Lloyd Williams, Mrs. Gibbon, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Wood, and members of the G.F.S. The Misses Farr, Walker, and Wright tempted fortune hunters to a dip in the bran-pie, and Masters Wilkinson, Walker, and J. Wright ran a spinning jenny.
An excellent concert arranged by Lady Harrowby and Mrs. Tylecote, was held in the salon of Sandon Hall during the afternoon. Songs were contributed by Miss. Ridge and the Rev. K.G. Gates. Miss South recited, Lady Harrowby played the roll organ, the Hon. Mrs. R. Ryder gave a violin solo, Miss Coldwell a pianoforte solo and organ solos were played by Mr. Oldham (Stone).
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