26th December 1952 SA
Nativity Play.—At the Sandon Junior school on Thursday before a large gathering of parent and friends, the pupils performed a small nativity play in which each child played a part. This ws beautifully acted, Mary Prince taking the part of the Virgin Mary. Suitable carols were sung between the various scenes. In addition a small puppet show was staged—the puppets all being made by the children. It is hoped to present a more complete programme at a later date. Great credit is due to Miss. E. Watson (headmistress) and Mrs. J. Phililips (assistant) who were jointly responsible for the training of the children and for all arrangements. Amongst those present was Miss Shore representing the Countess of Harrowby, who regretted being unable to be present but sent her greetings to the children and teachers. The vicar, the Rev. W.B. Buckland M.A., proposed a vote of thanks to Miss Watson and expressed his good wishes to all present. On Friday, as the children left school, each was presented with a gift from the huge Xmas tree in the schoolroom.
CAROL SERVICE.—The beautiful Church of All Saints’, Sandon, was decorated with holly evergreen, and a huge Xmas tree for the carol service held on Sunday evening. The service was well attended, and conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. W.B. Buckland, M.A. The congregation joined in heartily and the carols sung included:—“O Little Town of Bethlehem.” “See Amid the Winter Snow.” “Away in a Manger.” “While Shepherds Watched,” and other old favourites. The organist [text missing…]
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