27th October 1866 SA
SANDON AND MARSTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—We have been requested to state that the observations made by Mr. Peake, at the meeting of this society last week, respecting the mangold crop, could not justly apply to those grown on Mr. Lowe’s farm at Marston; or to the seed supplied to several of Lord Harrowby’s tenantry by the Messrs. Lowe, of Wolverhampton.
CONCERT AT SANDON.—On Thursday evening a concert, under the patronage of the Earl of Harrowby, was given at the Assembly-room of the Dog and Doublet Inn, by the members of the Sandon Church Choir, assisted by a few amateurs. The programme was admirably selected and the pieces very effectively accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. John Freakley, jun., organist at Sandon Church, and Mr. E. Price, schoolmaster, conducted. Great credit is due to Mr. Price for the degree of excellence in style, time, and expression, with which under his training the men and boys of the choir were able to perform their parts, the effect of the glees and choruses, many of which were encored, being most harmonious and thrilling. The performance of Mr. John Freakley in his solo pianoforte piece, was also greatly admired, and each was encored. Among the amateurs who assisted we may mention Capt. Coldwell, whose song, “The bloom is on the rye,” called forth a rapturous encore and Messrs. T. Tylecote and Bailey, who were also encored. The large room was completely filled, and among the company we observed the Earl of Harrowby, Lady Mary Saurin and Miss Saurin, Viscount Sandon, and many of the elite of the neighbourhood, together with a very large number of the labouring class, who appeared very keenly to enjoy the performance. The sum of £14. 16s. was realised, which will be divided among the members of the choir.