28th December 1940 SA
The annual fur and feather whist drive was held in the Village Club, about 100 playing. The donors of prizes were the Early of Harrowby, Messrs. Farr, Askey, Lawley, J.T. Johnson, W. Cheadle, Potts, R.G. Johnson, Lindop, S. Johnson, F. Goodwin, F. Middleton, and P. Holford. Mr. S. Berrisford was M.C. and Mrs. Charlesworth presented the prizes to:—1, Miss Mead; 2, Miss M. Askey; £, Miss E. Farr; 4, Miss Stack; 5, Mr. Whitehurst; 6, Miss Hanson; 7, Mrs. Hanson; 1, Mr. Bailey; 2, Mr. R. Goodwin; 3, Mr. J. Foster; 4, Mr. A. Hine; 5, Mr. A. Alsop; 6, Mr. F. Middleton; 7, Mr. Austin. Mr. Berrisford thanked the donors of prizes.
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