28th September 1940 SA


The funeral of Mr. Colin Bentley took place at Sandon Church. The Vicar (the Rev. J.D. Charlesworth) conducted the service. Mr. Bridgman was the organist. The family mourners were Mrs. Bentley and family, Mr. F. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham, and Mrs. Pascoe. Among others present were Mr. and Mrs. F. Ridout and representatives of the Earl of Harrowby Lodge and Juvenile Lodge. There were many floral tributes including those from the Widow and family; Dollie, Ellis, Cyril and Jeff; Earl of Harrowby Lodge; the choir and organist; Church Council and sidesmen; Will, Nellie and Edith; Emmie, Jack, and Winnifred, Hilda and Bert; Elian, Audrey and Gladys; other, Elizabeth and Audrey; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward; Lizzie; Joe and Ethel Phillips, Alice, George and Eric; Lizzie, Fred and Joan; Syd and Dorothy; J. Ward and family; Elsie and Allan McIlwrick; David, Jim, Winnie, Kitty and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. Fradley.

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28th December 1940 SA


21st September 1940 SA