29th August 1942 SA
Present at the meeting of the Board of Management on Friday: Miss Parker-Jervis O.B.E. (chairman), Mr. F M. Bostock, Rev. L. Lambert, Messrs. W.V. Hodgens, W.T. Parker, H. Poole, J. Salmon, and T. Whitehouse.
The committee gratefully acknowledge the following donation and gifts: Proceeds of Horticultural Show and Dance, organised by Sandon Village Club, £16 17s. 9d; vegetables from Sandon Village Club: honey from Mr. Hill, silver paper from Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Dennis, Miss Carol Jones, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. W.T. Parker, and Janet Moss Gerrard.
Inspector T. Davies and Mr. H. Wood divided a voucher prize for the aggregate of points. Special Constable W.J. Bates was hon. Treasurer, and P.C. T.H. Potts hon. Secretary.
At the close of the show the exhibits were auctioned and it is estimated that the sum of £110 will be handed over to charity.
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