2nd March 1950 SS
Lady Constance Ryder
There were many manifestations of sympathy at the funeral at Sandon Church yesterday of Lady Constance Ryder, sister of Lord Harrowby, who died at her home, Timberscombe, Dunster, Somerset, on Friday.
She was laid to rest in the same grave as her sister, Lady Margaret Ryder, who died some years ago. The grave is in a plot of ground reserved for the family, the family vault in the church having been filled.
The chancel of the church, where a simple service was conducted by the Vicar of Sandon, (the Rev. Basil Buckland), was decorated with cyclamen and evergreen. Two hymns were sung—“For all the Saints who from their Labours Rest” and “The Radiant Morn hath Passed Away.” The organist was Mr. E.R. Bridgeman.
“Loved People”
In a tribute to Lady Constance, the Vicar quoted the hymn “For all the Saints,” and said there was triumph in that song and that was a triumphant occasion—the triumphant homecoming of one of God’s saints. He would not claim for anyone that they were perfect, but Lady Constance Ryder was one of those who belonged to Christ. She loved God, she loved people, and was beloved by them.
He referred to her association with the Boy Scout movement, and spoke of her pleasure in the open-air life and of her interest in historical association, ideas and people.
Because she entered so fully into all that was best in life, he said, she looked forward all the more eagerly to the far richer, finer, and more deeply satisfying life which she knew would one day open out before her.
The family mourners were the Earl of Harrowby (brother), the Countess of Harrowby (sister-in-law), Lady Audrey Anson (sister), Viscount Sandon (nephew), Viscountess Sandon, Mr. Henry Ryder (nephew), the Hon. Mrs. Cooke (neice), the Hon. Marjorie Campbell (niece, also representing Lord Colgrain, brother-in-law), Miss Victoria Ryder (niece), and Mr. Richard Ryder (nephew).
Lady Frances Ryder was unable to attend owing to illness.
There were also present Mr. T. W. Knowes (agent), and Mrs. Knowles, Mr. Herbert Askey (Clerk of Works, Sndon Estate), and Mrs. Askey and members of the Sandon household.
Scout Movement
Lady Constance Ryder was Scout Commissioner for Somerset, and three representatives of the Scout movement in Somerset were among those present. They were Mr. J.W. Court, Mr. T.W. F. Breman and Mr. R. Yeandle.
Others present included Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Johnson, Miss M. Wright, Mrs. A.M. Rollett and Mr. F.R. Downing.
Eight estate employees carried the coffin from the church to the grave, which had ben lined by Mr. W. Townsend (Head Gardener) with evergreen and with symbols of a heart and cross in snowdrops and cyclamen. They were Messrs. J. Cadman, W. Ward, L.S. Jerrams, F. Rollett, GV. Merricks, A. Ward, T. Wheeler and J. Furber.
At the same time as the funeral, a memorial service was held at Timberscombe.
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