4th February 1909 MC
The Cheshire Hunt experienced fair sport yesterday at Dutton Hall, Mr. Wilson commanding. The first essay was a failure, but a fox from Whitley’s Gorse ran through Higher Whitley and out for Antrobus, where he was lost after giving a twenty minute hunt. A second fox travelled fast from Whitley to Grimeditch, and beat the pack. A series of blank draws followed, and a third fox ran from Stretton over the Warrington road, left-handed for Antrobus, where hounds were called off. Hunting was good on the grass, but the scent was difficult to follow over ploughed land.
Following another ten days’ confinement to the kennels through the severe weather, the North Staffordshire Hounds fulfilled their appointment at Stoke-by-Stone in boisterous weather. There was a representative field out. At Orange Hayes hounds pushed a fox out to Hardwicke Heath, where he was hunted about the covers for something like an hour prior to falling a victim to his pursuers. Little transpired at Shaw’s Wood, and Gayton Goree, but from Sandon Big Wood another customer was ousted away by Sandon Church, thence by Sandon Hall, back to his starting place, where he beat hounds after a fifteen minutes’ chase. Then on finding again at Hopton Gorse the customer roused here marked his course first round by Enson, and back again past Hopton village, down by Salt to Hopton Gorse, once more ousting him a record time. The chase was continued by Enson and Mareton, and eventually to Yarlet where, however, he had to be abandoned.
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