7th April 1934 SA
British Legion.—A whist drive was held in the Parish Room on Monday. Mr. D. Phillips was M.C., and Mr. F. Downing steward. The Prize winners were Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Cope, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. W. Askey, Mr. W. Wright, and Mr. J. Foster. Mrs. Pilsbury presented the prizes.
Parish Meeting.—The annual parish meeting for the election of parish councillors was held in the Parish Room on the 29 inst. The Earl of Harrowby presided. The Clerk (Mr. J. Wright) explained his delay in calling the meeting which should have been held early in March. The councillors elected were Messrs. W. Middleton, M. Knobbs, S. Kent, F. Ridout, J. Poyner, W. Sargent, and J.A. Walker.
Wedding.—The marriage was solemnized at Sandon Church on Monday , of Miss Alice May Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Williamson, of Sandon, and Mr. John Francis Whale, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Whale, of Burston. The Vicar (the Rev. F. E. Copleston) officiated. The bride wore a dress of white satin, and carried a bouquet of white carnations. She was attended by Miss. Dorothy Williamson, (sister), and Mr. Bernard Whale acted as best man. Amongst the many presents were a dining room clock, given by the members of the Sandon Badminton Club to their former secretary, and an oak table, given by Messrs. Dobson’s, Stafford. The honeymoon is being spent in Rhyl.
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