8th August 1953 SN
Big Crowd At Sandon Fete CHURCH AIDED
In glorious Summer weather a crowd of over 1,300, in holiday mood, assembled in Sandon Hall Gardens for the annual church fete and garden party, held there by kind permission of the Earl and Countess of Harrowby.
The opening ceremony was performed by Viscountess Sandon, who, after being introduced by the Vicar (the Rev. W. H. Buckland), welcomed the visitors. She pointed out that the money raised was to be devoted to the maintenance and beautification of “the priceless heritage,” the old church of Alls Saints Sandon
Miss J. Shepherd presented Lady Sandon with a bouquet of carnations, which was eventually auctioned. A vote of thanks was proposed on behalf of the Church Council by Mr. W. Sargent (Vicar’s Warden).
Among those present were the Earl and Countess of Harrowby, Lady Frances Ryder, the Hon. Dudley and Mrs. Ryder, Mr. T.W. Knowles and Mr. James Cadman (People’s Warden).
Popular with little visitors was the Punch and Judy show, presented by Mr. A. Purton, of Stone, and the pony and donkey rides.
The financial result is expected to be a record for the event.
Reach PLC. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD