9th November 1929 SA
Parish Tea.—The annual tea and entertainment in connection with All Saints’ Church, Sandon, was held on Nov.1 in the Parish Room. The Vicar (the Rev. F.E. Copleston) presided, and was supported by Lady Harrowby, Viscount Sandon, and the churchwardens (Messrs. J. H. Cadman and H. Bentley). Trays were provided by Mrs. Copleston, Mrs. Lloyds Williams, Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Farr, Mrs. H. Askey, Mrs. A. Wright, Mrs. Cadman, and Miss Bentley. The concert consisted of sketches and solos and was a great success. The artistes were Mrs. Copleston, Mrs. Goodwin (violin), Miss J. McLeod (contralto), Miss Ada Wright, and Miss Middleton.
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