11th December 1948 SA
Church Bazaar.—The annual bazaar in aid of the church organ and lighting fund was held on Saturday and realised £170. The opening ceremony was performed by Viscountess Sandon, and among those present were the Earl and Countess of Harrowby, Viscount Sandon, the Rev. W. B. Buckland (vicar), Mr. B. Adams (vicar’s warden), and Mrs. Adams, and Mr. J. Cadman (people’s warden) and Mrs. Cadman. Stallholders were Mrs. W. Ward (toys), Mrs. J. Kent and Mrs. F. Middleton (produce), Mrs. J. Foster, Mrs. Powner and Miss. F. K. Bentley (second-hand), Mrs. S. Berrisford and Mrs. Adams (crockery) and Mr. J.T. Foster and Mr. C.P. Holford (hoop-la). A Christmas tree was provided by the Sunday School, and the Church Council arranged a men’s stall. Other helpers were Mrs. Buckland, Michael Buckland and Mr. S.G. Jackson.
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