14th January 1955 SA
SANDON Children’s Party
On Saturday afternoon children of all ages arrived at the Sandon Village Club for the long-awaited annual party. This was organised by the Parent-Teacher Assocociation under the chairmanship of Mr. Cyril Powner, with Mr. C.C. Welsh, secretary and treasurer, assisted by a strong committee.
The funds for this event were raised by a fur and feather whist drive held at Christmas. Approximately 120 sat down to [a] tea of sandwiches, jellies and trifle, cakes, ice cream and a cracker for each. Grace was said by the Vicar, the Rev. W.B. Buckland. Each child was presented with a bag of sweets.
After tea great excitement was caused by the conjurer. Then followed a film show showing a Silly Symphony, an animal film and the old favourites Laurel and Hardy.
The ladies of the committee were responsible for the excellent tea. Thanks are due to all concerned in carrying through this every [sic] successful New Year Party.
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