15th April 1939 SA
Church Meetings.—The annual Vestry and Parochial Church Council meetings were held in the Parish Room on Tuesday. The Vicar the Rev. J.D. Charlesworth presided, and at the outset those present stood in silence as a token of respect for the late Mr. H. Bentley, who was a keen worker for Sandon Church. The Vicar elected Mr. Adams as his warden, and Mr. J. Cadman was re-elected people’s warden for the 14th year. The sidesmen were re-elected lay representatives. At the Parochial Church Council meeting which followed, Mr. J. Cadman presented the balance-sheet, which showed a slight deficit on the year’s working. The Free-Will Offering Account showed a small balance. The Parochial Church Council were re-elected en bloc, with the addition of Mr. R. Lindop. It was decided to have a harvest tea as last year. The Vicar moved, and Mr. J. Wright seconded, a vote of thanks to all Church workers for their help during the past year.
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