15th January 1949 SA
Club’s Annual Meeting.—In the unavoidable absence of Lord Harrowby, who has been president of the club since its inception in 1904, Viscount Sandon, (vice-president) presided at the annual meeting of the Sandon Village Club on Monday, which was well attended. Mr. Peter Holford (hon. sec), reported a membership of 80, and stated that Badminton, billiards, cricket and old-tyme dancing had all been well supported. Mr. J. Cheddard (hon. Treasurer), reported a credit balance of £53 13s. 4d. Officers were re-elected as follows: Life president Lord Harrowby; vice-presidents, re-elected en bloc; hon. Sec., Mr. Peter Holford; hon. Treasurer, Mr. J. Cheadle; hon. Auditor, Mr. T. Hammond. Messrs. B. Adams, T. Hammond, W. Cheadle, F. Middleton, C.P.E. Holford, R. Alcock, E. Parrott, jun., C. Powner, W. Brown, Fred Tunnicliffe, and J.T. Foster and the Rev. W.B. Buckland were elected on the committee.
Children’s Party.—The Countess of Harrowby, calling for three cheers for those who have given so generously, and the organisers who have worked so hard, received a vigorous response from 170 children of Sandon parish, which includes parts of the villages of Burston, Smallrise, Enson, Marston, Dayhills, Hardiwick, Hollywood and Sandon Bank, when they were entertained at a Christmas party in the village club at Sandon on Saturday. Funds had been raised by the club committee, of which Mr. Brittain Adams is chairman, at two well attended whist drives. Thanking all who had contributed to the success of the party. Mr. Peter Holford (secretary) mentioned the generosity of tenant farmers and others on the estate for the two whist drives. After tea a film show was given by Mr. J. Chamberlain. Accompanying the Countess of Harrowby was Miss Olga Shore (secretary) and Mrs. T.W. Knowles. The Vicar of Sandon (the Rev. W. Basil Buckland) was also present.
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