8th January 1949 SA
Daughter of Mr. E.O. Simpson, a well-known local farmer, Miss Margaret Annie Simpson, Home Farm, Sandon, was married to Mr. Eric Langley Baskeyfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Baskeyfield, 22, Granville Terrace, Stone, at Sandon Parish Church, on Friday. The Rev. W.B. Buckland (vicar) officiated.
Attired in a navy blue two-piece dress trimmed with white and navy blue accessories, the bride was given away by her father. She carried a bouquet of red carnations and white heather. Miss Jennifer Brown, who wore a turquoise hat and coat, trimmed with brown, and a gold brooch given by the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. Mr. E. Turner was best man, and Messrs. J.E. and R. Simpson were groomsmen.
A reception was given by the bride’s parents at their home, and the honeymoon is being spent at Blackpool.
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