17th January 1931 SA


Funeral of Mrs. Hicks.—The funeral of Mrs. Emma Hicks, widow of the late Mr. David Ray Hicks, formerly headmaster of Sandon School, took place on Wednesday at Sandon Church. Mrs. Hicks, who was 83, first came to Sandon from Coombe, Somerset, in 1881, and had charge of the infants’ department until August, 1909, when she retired owing to ill-health. She leaves three sons and one daughter, who are all abroad; one son in British Columbia, and the others in South Africa. The choral service was conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. F.E. Copleston). Mr. J. Wright officiated at the organ, and rendered the “Dead March” in “Saul” and “O Rest in the Lord.” The singing was led by the schoolchildren, Psalm 23 and the hymns “Abide with me” and “Peace, perfect peace” being sung. The service concluded with the Nunc Dimittis. The mourners were Miss Hicks (sister-in-law), Miss Stanley (maid), Miss Allbut and Mr. J. Bennett (executor). In the congregation were Viscount Sandon, Mr. W. Middleton (school manager), Mr. S. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Walker (Sandon School), Mr. and Mrs. Moxon, Mrs. Farr, Mrs. H. Askey, Miss Alcock, and many former pupils. The bearers, who were all old scholars, were Messrs. J. Cadman, G. Cope, F. Hodson, and K. Pilsbury. The Earl and Countess of Harrowby sent a lovely wreath of lilies and chrysanthemums, and there were beautiful wreaths from the old scholars, the Mothers’ Union, and Vicar, Viscount Sandon, George and Madge, Miss Allbut, Mr. and Mrs. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Miss Alcock, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Hine, Mrs. Emery, Mr., Mrs. and Jack Askey, Mrs. Mills, and Mrs. Cope.

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24th January 1931 SA


21st December 1929 SA