24th January 1931 SA
Village Club.—The annual meeting of the Village Club was held on Monday. The Earl of Harrowby presided, and amongst those present were Viscount Sandon, the Rev. F.E. Copleston, Messrs. T.W. Knowles, J.P. Farr, P. Titterton, W. Middleton, G. Kerr, and the Secretary (Mr. J.Cadman). The President congratulated the club on having a balance in hand of over £20. It was rather a unique position to be in for at many of the annual meetings he attended there was generally an adverse balance. Mr. W. Middleton was re-elected hon. treasurer and Mr. J.H. Cadman hon. secretary. The committee were elected as follows: Messrs. H. Askey, F. Askey, W. Askey, J.P. Farr, W. Cheadle, F. Walker, W. Rhodes, L.S. Jerrams, D. Rollitt, and D. Philips.
The late Mr. D. Philips.—The funeral of Mr. David Philips, of Smallrise, Sandon, took place on Saturday. Mr. Philips was a well-known farmer and tradesman, and had resided at Sandon nearly 50 years, being the oldest tenant on the Sandon estate. He leaves a widow, five sons, and three daughters. Prior to the interment at Stone Cemetery, a service was held at the Roman Catholic Church, Aston-by-Stone, and was conducted by the Rev. Father O’German. The chief mourners were Mrs. David Philips, Mrs. H. Philips, Mr. A. Philips, Mrs. J. Philips, and Mr. J.V. Philips (sons), Mrs. H. Shenton, Miss Philips, and Miss K. Philips (daughters), Mr. Sidney Philips (grandson), Mr. H. Shenton (son-in-law), Mrs. B. Philips (daughter-in-law), Mr. L. Philips, Mr. F. Philips, and Mr. M. Kane (nephews), Miss Philips and Miss A. Philips (nieces). Others present were Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Ridout, Mr. C. Bentley, Mr. Blakeman, and Mr. Kerr. The bearers were the deceased’s four oldest neighbours—Messrs. J. Orwell, G. Fairbanks, J. Richardson, and W. Bagley. Floral tributes were sent from:—His sorrowing wife, David and Sidney, Henry Rachel, and little Mollie; Terrie, Harry, and little Margaret; Gus and Annie; Joe, Ethel, and grandchildren; Jim, Winnie, Gertie and Agnes; Frank and Leah (Dresden); Michael and Hannah, Mary and Martin; Annie and family (Burston); L. Baxter (Sandon); Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Ridout and family; and Mr. D. Bentley and family. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. Louis Philips of Aston-by-Stone.
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