21st December 1929 SA


Whist Drive and Dance.—A successful whist drive and dance was held in the Sandon Village Club on Wednesday evening. It was organised by the committee of the Sandon and District British Legion, and was in aid of the Legion funds. Mr. J.H. Cadman, chairman of the branch, was M.C. for the whist, and Mr. D. Philips (hon. treasurer), and Mr. W. Tavernor were the dance M.C.’s. The prize-winners were: Ladies 1, Mrs. G. Cope; 2, Mrs. J. P. Farr; 3, Miss M. Figgitt; 4, Mrs. J. Holford. Gentlemen, 1, Mr. J. Challoner; 2, Mr. J. Mills; 3, Mr. J. Allsopp; 4, Mr. E. Figgitt; special table prize, Mr. T.W. Knowles. The prizes were presented by Mrs. T.W. Knowles, who was accorded a hearty vote of thanks, as were also the donors of the prizes. Mrs. Buckingham (piano) and Mr. Harvey (violin) supplied the music.

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17th January 1931 SA


23rd November 1929 SA