23rd November 1946 SA
Sale of Poppies.—Poppy Day collections covered by the Sandon and District branch of the British Legion included: Milwich, per Mr. J. Williams, £5 0s. 11d.; Gayton, Mr. J. Bailey, £4 11s; Sandon, Mrs Foster, £2 12s., Mr. P Holford £2 0s 6d, Mrs. Reg. Alcock £1 17s 5d., Mrs. R.G. Johnson £1 8s 6d.; Smallrise, Mrs. Robson £2 11s 6d, Sandon Church collection £3 7s. 6d.; Salt church collection £1 3s 9d.
Nursing Services Recognised.—The Sandon and District Nursing Association held their annual whist drive in the Village Club, when the President, the Countess of Harrowby, presented to Mrs. A.H. Wright (hon. secretary). a cheque in appreciation of her services during the past 21 years. Mrs. Wright, in reply, spoke of it having afforded her to work for the association. Mr Brittain Adams (hon. treasurer) thanked Lady Harrowby and the subscribers. Mr. W. Johnson was the M.C. for the drive, and Mrs. Wright presented the prizes to Mrs. Downing, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Haycock, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. Heath, Messrs. Burton, J. Elwood, J. Cheadle, L. Robson, and J. Scott. Mrs. Wright and a committee of ladies provided refreshments.
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